Iraq Gun Porn: Which Guns Suck, Which Guns Rock -for anyone that hasnt seen it

such a good read

yeah that was actually an article in stars and stripes (or maybe Army Times) i read a while back …
full special on it … howveer it was written more along the lines of initial push into country with them going through open desert (which isn’t fun ) A new one should be written up now witht he majority of troops working in higher populaed areas

EDIT: you can always ask me i fired every one of those wepons in country and know them intimatley… except for the .45

:tup:good read…gives you a better idea of what is really going on in everyday Iraq

Good read :tup:

read a ways down, they start picking apart the original post, saying it has too many inaccuracies to be true. yet, I thought it was a great read as well - really makes me want to look at the springfield armory socom as oppsoed to the m-14, I know how heavy that tank is. nice find :tup: