A letter from Iraq

This is a letter that my friend shared with me. She is a newly wed and her husband is serving. I thought it would give all of us a first hand look and feel what the soldiers are experiencing out there.

Hello mi wife, Right now I bet you are enjoying being
back on your island. I hope that everything is going
well for you and I cant wait to be in your arms again.
As you may have been informed but we just got extended
90more days here in Iraq for a total of 15 months because someone up in a
higher place thought that it was a good idea to try
and ruin our lives while they stay nice and safe. I
have mailed you off a few letters so I hope they find
you safely. Right now I am kind of down because I just
found out that my old squad leader was killed today.
I just talked to that man and he and I sat down on my
bradley and talked for a hot minute.
I am getting choaked up right now just
thinking about it. Baby, this place is a utter shit
hole. We got out to an unsafe area for 3 days and
these dirty mother ***** (the irakies)tried to attack us.
Cruz (a fellow PR soldier) was almost killed today
but luckily his humvee took most of the blast. I dont
know baby but I am pretty much set on never
reenlisting into the army again. I need time to get my
mind together because I feel like I am losing it right
now. I dont even have any alone time because I am
living in a tent with 24 other people. God i dont know
what I am going to do because this is killing me
physically and mentally. But when I get the chance to
call you I will tell you why I feel that way. Please take
lots of pics mi amor I need something to keep me
going. Well I gotta get going my wife, my time is up.
I love you and I miss you and my son (4 legged) very much. Give
him a pat and a hug for me. remember take lots of pics
and send them. I love you so much.


and… we didn’t know this already about iraq?

He’s smart. His wife is Spanish so he mixes dumbass.


lol@ “wait for flash”


What is with your affinity for CAPS LOCK lately?


Nerdigger: OMG CAPS4L
SH1FTD3AD: caps locked for a reason
tyrannosauruscuv: its hard not to take u really seriously when u have your caps on
jaywonch: and stop unleashing the fury on me with your caps lock!
conquestwrithe: mr. caps lock
OMFGitsTeeeNah: caps necessary? no didnt think so
mollymonsterface: are you doing something with caps
fragglerocker311: i picture you yelling words when theyre in caps.

skunkape123: caps make baby jesus cry

LOL…he got so mad at me

skunkape123: caps make baby jesus cry
sprocketbash411: YOU FUCKING PUSSY
sprocketbash411: STFU
skunkape123: LOLLLLLLLLLLL
skunkape123: it feels like ur here…yelling at me
skunkape123: <3

haha nice NEWMAN…

That letter sucks, I have a few friends over there but they said the living situation is far from bad as described above. They all say its basically like a motel…

newmans posting reminds me of when toda used to post in caps all day every day on the barf…

i dunno man. I know a good amount of my frineds have been over or are over there right now. They are in 2 man temp buildings with AC, power, and sand bags all over um for protection.

As a soldier talking to other soldiers you find out the real story about the desert. Some people had a generaly good time and wouldnt mind going back. Others have signed up to be contractors over seas with KBR for a year and went back willingly.

its all point of view.

If i can make a difference in making a depressed country potentialy better in the future then im all about it, and so are many of the men and women over there today.


for some reason i see newman pounding on his desk and yelling at his monitor at the top of his lungs…

Ok Marcus i’m going to stick up for your friend.

I had no idea the war was confined to such a small area that everyone stayed in the same place :ham:.

I’m sure if you witnessed some of the things he’s seen or been through you wouldn’t want someone mocking you out. Tell him his letter sucked when he’s standing in front of you.

were you ever oversea’s?

word, i agree with 91crxsi. i too am a soldier and from stories iv heard its not as bad as its portreyed to the public. most of the reason so many citizens are against bush and the war is because of the fucking media. of course your not going to support anything when all u see on the television is 5 people dieing everyday. how about showing the school they just built? or just maybe…i mean this is really pushing it, but somebody building a house!!! :bloated: i mean seriously come on now, and as for this person writing home and saying this…i just ask why? why worry your family and make them more upset than they already are. thats the one thing i learned, is what happens there in the army is for me to deal with, not my family.

Nope, a few good friends of mine were. One of them had so many stories of horror that I don’t know how he can act somewhat normal. After he came back he couldn’t drive a car for almost a year, and needed to see a psychiatrist for almost 2 years. A few members of his patrol were killed in front of him. Some were shot down (while on patrol in a humvee in teh middle of the day) and others were blown up.

dont turn this into a political thread. the reasons most people are against bush and the war are our soldiers are getting killed, we’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars, the rest of the world hates us, and the reasons we went there were wrong. for the money spent there they could have built millions of americans a new house or school, and the iraqis would still be better off.