A letter from Iraq


for the money spent there they could have built millions of americans a new house or school, and the iraqis would still be better off.


this is where my issue comes in. EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN HAS AN OPPRITUNITY TO GET A FUCKING JOB AND MAKE THEIR OWN LIFE A SUCCESS. I dont care where you grew up, what your background is, or what your race/sex is. As an american you can get yourself a job, go to school and live the american dream on your own. BUT most of the people that cant buy their own house and be successfull are the same people doing drugs, having WAY too many kids that they can not support, are already milking america for food stamps and other help we give out for people with no ambition to succeed on their own.

The people in Iraq dont have all of those options and just because they arent AMERICANS doesnt mean that they arent people.

( sorry to be off the letter topic but i get mad when i hear all the comments about helping NEEDY americans)


this is where my issue comes in. EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN HAS AN OPPRITUNITY TO GET A FUCKING JOB AND MAKE THEIR OWN LIFE A SUCCESS. I dont care where you grew up, what your background is, or what your race/sex is. As an american you can get yourself a job, go to school and live the american dream on your own. BUT most of the people that cant buy their own house and be successfull are the same people doing drugs, having WAY too many kids that they can not support, are already milking america for food stamps and other help we give out for people with no ambition to succeed on their own.

The people in Iraq dont have all of those options and just because they arent AMERICANS doesnt mean that they arent people.

( sorry to be off the letter topic but i get mad when i hear all the comments about helping NEEDY americans)


I’m not in favor of building them houses. I’m saying that americans pay taxes for services for americans. Most of them are for everyone. Iraq isn’t building us any houses. I’d keep them on their own. Spend my tax dollars in america. Preferably on something I can use.

we pay taxes too, just liek the rest of the americans, but if we hadnt gone over there, chances are nobody else would have stepped up to take care of that shithole. as stupid of a move it was, yeah bush did fuck up, not for the fact that he went in there, but that he didnt have a complete plan.


Nope, a few good friends of mine were. One of them had so many stories of horror that I don’t know how he can act somewhat normal. After he came back he couldn’t drive a car for almost a year, and needed to see a psychiatrist for almost 2 years. A few members of his patrol were killed in front of him. Some were shot down (while on patrol in a humvee in teh middle of the day) and others were blown up.


Oh I was told horror stories. Kids walking towards the humvee with a bomb on his chest, while he shot the kid in the head with his sidearm. Driving over pedestrians that won’t get out of the way, shrapnel from bombs 30 yards away.

Oh and btw when I said his letter sucks I didnt mean it against him, I meant that his situation sucked for him. Tone of internet text ! = sympathy in real life.


Oh I was told horror stories. Kids walking towards the humvee with a bomb on his chest, while he shot the kid in the head with his sidearm. Driving over pedestrians that won’t get out of the way, shrapnel from bombs 30 yards away.

Oh and btw when I said his letter sucks I didnt mean it against him, I meant that his situation sucked for him. Tone of internet text ! = sympathy in real life.


As long as you weren’t damning the guy or bashing him. Someone needed to stick up for the guy. My bad.

^^ Na I wouldn’t bash anybody in Iraq, shit they are doing something my ass will NEVER do. Especially someone getting stuck for extended time with kids back home…