Irish Drinking Stereotypes

I was just wondering what stereotypes come to mind when thinking of the Irish and drinking.


Were you at the BBQ yesterday?

Murray? Silver WRX?

He does not have a wrx

oh my bad, thanks for your help Sean.

I am always here to help ya buddy

im almost full blooded irish and i hardly drink

Yea I never touch the stuff my self

i know thats bullshit lol

Im pretty Irish myself about 50% Irish 25% German 25% Scottish and I also rarely drink. That being said,

Ireland smells like it has beer in the air and everyone always carries a pint glass with them wherever they go.

Thats enough outta you

not pints, growlers

irish have small penors as well.

thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback… and fuck you deadbeatrec :hug

I’m quite Irish and I lubz mah beerz.

Emanuel is mad because he has small peenor and has nothing to blame it on


I’m 100%… I’m a raging alcoholic, smoke like a brushfire, and I’m hung like a newborn baby

LMAO priceless

i think u hit the nail on the head…for the both of us lol :thumbup

im italian so i dont have these issues. but i do have the body hair of sasquash.