
Well, I’m asian and I do like to eat rice…so it’s true on my part.

However… I always hear about black people liking fried chicken, watermelon, and grape drink? Is that true or not?

And for white people, do you like salad, burgers?

Anyways, post up! This is not meant to offend anyone.

Dude who doesnt like fried chicken, watermelon, and grape drank?

I’m brown and I like to be frugal, not cheap

i dont

you damn right it is, I am gonna get get me some fried chicken right now, i also eat cornbead, collard greens and macaroni and cheese
( wish i was back in GA i could get some biscuits and gravy too:mrgreen:)

im polish…so of course i always get the perogy comment here and there haha.

actually had some last night.

EDIT: you can add hotsauce to that list too

I’m white. LOVE burgers, love them. I enjoy rice a lot as well and grape drank comon! I realized anything purple or blue is good.

I’m not a huge fan of Salad though, we’ll keep that to the fat white chicks who are on a diet yet they drench it in sauce and cheese.

i like steak…what does that make me?

^ redneck? gotta love them bbq lol jkz:)

honestly you could say I’m a mix of everything, all that eatery is good!
not a big fan of grape juice tho haha.

hahah red_line, that comment was priceless.

I’m Asian.

I suck at math, I suck at science, I suck at engineering and I suck at computers… but I think I have a pretty good ‘business sense’ (and I don’t mean convenience store/asian restaurant).

The stereotypes are true.

I suck at math, science, engineering, and computers too…

…but I have a huge cock.

If we are on the topic of cock fighting and mexican stereotypes I also crave taco’s.

Having a pet chicken? I’ve never heard of that stereotype.

see thats where uv gone wrong…


i want that drank :lickmahpussy:

im white and i enjoy Rock music, white girls, and drinking alcohol. i fucking hate hockey though.



im trini and love curried everything/anything

with rrrrrroti.

oh but i hate soca

da dum dum dum , i wash my bum, da dum dum dum

i`m white live in a somewhat small city hit 74000 this year i eat steak and lots of it love teqila not a fan of beer love burgurs and it show i suck at math science school in general, im lippy and fat oh and i like some chick drinks(alcohol)