
I want some grape drink baby, mmm its purple

im with u on this one too… not to mention bake and shark mmmmmmmmm

im white, I love burgers and that purple drank. Time for me to go grip N sip

Wait I realize now… I like food… it has nothing to do with race… purple stuff… mmm

look at the list LMAO

^ I lol’d

I’m black, but some can call me a hybrid.

I think I was born an asian trapped inside a black man lol.

I LOVE rice, hate fried chicken, hate grape drank (it’s all about the cream soda bitches), not too much of a fan for watermellon.
But I do love me some fish :lickmahpussy::wink:
I suck at math, good at science, buisness and with computers.

Im good at bball, but I loves me some baseball, and will absolutley smoke anyone at badminton.

I’m asian,
I’m good at math
I eat alot of rice
I’m not bad with computers
I’m not bad at science
I get red after a couple of beers

I dont always bargain though, i pay what i think is fair.
I suck at badminton and ping pong though

you guys still havent answered the biggest stereo types

lol that Wikipedia shit is jks and I’m white but I like almost all that shit you guys are talking about so i dunno…

If your talking about that juice, count me in! each one has it’s own flavour, ain’t hard to let that flow like a fountain haha :wink:

I’m asian.
I wish I fit the stereotype of rich asian.
Too bad, otherwise i’d be driving a Mercedes or Bmw.
Instead, i’m stuck with a Nissan 240. At least i can claim “JDM tight” on the silvia.

I think Anthony (Blade) holds that title. LMAO


what do we got here?

some cola…purple stuff…OO! Sunny D!..where that purple stuff be at?

This is interesting.

Sometimes i catch myself falling into stereotypes (being mixed). I do love cornbread, chicken, and grape anything.

I also have been to jail several times.

I rob people, shoot people, deal and smoke crack rock.

I pimp/have sex with white women.

I freestyle and breakdance.

you know…the usual.

Im black! im a friendly person for the most part!
I like my chicken, juice, rice and peas, and mixed girls
OH and mine is BIGGER than yours lol

I’m asian, but i played hockey, rugby, and football, i suck at math and the sciences, i have good business sense, and food wise i couldnt give a damn hahahaa

Quote from my old manager at Rogers “Will, for an asian, you’re whiter than anyone i could think of in the company” LMAO, no stereotype for me haha

whomp whomp ^^^^

I fit most of the typical Asian stereotype, but i set myself apart in that I speak my mind even if I’m the minority.

im 100% canadian. my family has been here for at least 5 generations… originating in europe (Ireland)

-i hate winter
-i like to play hockey with buddies but have never been on a “team” and i dont follow pro hockey at all
-i dont drink
-im not a lumberjack although ppl say i look like one
-i do say “eh” alot
-i would never be with a girl that wasnt fully caucasion
-i love the outdoors,… fishing, camping, sittn around the fire
-as for food, i love to bbq, yes i like burgers, but prefer a nice steak obvi. i eat salad everyday pretty much. Id have to say italian is my favorite
-i have an overwhelming sense of pride for my country and get extremly upset when ppl talk negativly about it.
-i say sorry alot even when im not
-i allways hold doors for people, young and old (i sometimes catch myself doin the arm stretch/push thing even when nobody is behind me lol)

  • i dont like confrontations but love to brawl (if that makes sense)

i guess i fall into the “stereotype” somewhat…