
SOO true.

I’m Italian, and I make my own sauce…AND WHAT!!! lol.
But they call me The Mexican?

lol, I find myself doing the arm stretch thing aswell.

Also, who doesent like a good brawl? :smiley:

I’m scottish (just a little heh) Brittish / canadian

I like sheppherds pie
I know what haggis is, and have eaten it (not that bad)
I like fish and chips
bangers and mash are… meh can live without.
I’m angry as fuck for no good reason (that’s the Scot).
I can put on the accent, but it is afflicted not natural
I used to own a kilt, and yes I wore undies with it.
I enjoy bagpipe music (if you can really call it that)
The scene in autin powers where austin and his dad speak “the queens english” makes sence, sorta some of it’s made up gibberish
I love Doctor Who
I like snow for about 15 - 20 min then it gets old.
Burgers are ok I guess
Apparently I do say “oot and aboot” when speaking to American friends. (weird)
I like gordan ramse’s tv shows.
I have had proper tea (with biscuits)
My family is emotionally inept (brittish)

things that don’t work

I don’t like hockey, not one little bit.
I don’t care for baseball much anymore
I have very little national pride, thanks for fucking it up Harper.
I don’t say “ach”, “hoose”, or “noozle” unless I’m trying to be funny.

ha fail… if your polish you should know its pierogi, not perogy lol.

btw. polish = vodka :dunno:


i’m white, listen to rap. love meat, potatoes, salad is ok. fuck vegetables!!!
Beer is unreal.
steak mmmmm.
burgers. godly.
i fucking hate grape drink though. grape pop too.
sprite FTW

ya i spelled it wrong, but you get the idea.

and ya i forgot about the clear stuff (vodka)

I’m half Sicilian and half Irish…

I eat like everything from everywhere… Only things I don’t like are the purple drank, coffee, alcohol, energy drinks (they all taste retarded), drugs, smokes, fried chicken (but chicken burgers are ok), weird shit like tripe (ughh… My dad makes it once and a while x.x) and fruit. Well I like fruit, I just don’t eat it. I don’t know why. I really hate squishy stuff like tomatoes too…

I get pissed off and frustrated easily. Someone says one little shit about me and I blow the fck up on them… Mofos… I also argue a lot and I think that I think I’m always right I think but I look into whatever and most of the time I am so…

Oh, I’m smart too. Good with math, science, english is a bitch but I get through it, computers, business, and working with my hands.

I think I look more Irish but I act more Sicilian (my dad’s family is my definition of Sicilian anyways…)

What was this thread about again?



Chicken, Goat, Shrimp Currrrrrrrrrrrrry!

im indian i was always smart in math, it seems like anyone born in india is smart in math. I had a total of 2 months of skips in grade 12 math and still had the highest mark, i finished the year with a 87% it went down because my teacher cut marks for every time i skipped.

shit the correct spelling is pierogi

I’m Greek

Like most Greeks:

-Yes I like Greek food, especialy the sea food (I’m from the Greek islands, Chios to be exact).

  • I don’t own a restaurant (my parent used to own 2 of them when I was young lol)
  • Like all Greeks from the islands, I’m not a winter person…at all!
  • I don’t know how to ice scate
    -I don’t know how to ski
  • I can’t even stand in the cold…I don’t go out in the winters, I hibernate in the winter.
  • I love soccer, best sport in the world!
  • I love women and I just can’t get enough of them.
  • Most my girlfriends were Italian and not Greek.
    -And it’s true, once they go Greek they don’t sit for a week!

Unlike most Greeks:

-I love to eat Jamaican beef patys and drink Ting at Randy’s (on eglinton and Oakwood area).

  • I love Thai cuisine
    -I love Chinese food
  • I drive a 240sx and not an American V8 powered vehicle or an expensive German vehicle.
  • I go to church like twicw or 3 times per year, I believe God is everywhere and not somewhere where you got to pay to pray.
  • I don’t live in Woodbridge or Oakville, I live in Rexdale (the nice area Isligton just south of Albion beside the Humber river).

Guys some stereotypes are true some are not. I think it’s got more to do with the environment you grew up in and as a human not an Asian or an Italian or a Greek or an Irish as a H-U-M-A-N…what you enjoy doing and what you don’t as a H-U-M-A-N, …not so much nationality or race or colour.

Canada is a country that has many different people and many different things. In Canada all things from around the world combine and intermix, we grow up in this environment and we learn to like things that maybe we would of never liked if we had to grown up in our native country. The beauty of Canadian culture, is that it’s like being from everywhere.

People should be more open minded and less ignorant. Sterotypes are mostly built on ignorance. When we learn to live together only then will there be peace. I believe we will be forced to learn to live together, unfortunately many lives will be lost up to that point.

The most unfortunate thing is that the reason we will be forced to learn to live together is because we will have to learn to fight together and not against each other, because in the future we will not have to fight for oil or land or wealth…we will have to fight for the survival of humanity. The fight has already begun …right now we are losing because we are not all on the same page in order to fight together, right now everyone is out for them selves, it’s all about greed and power, …but what people don’t realize is that when our planet dies we die with it.

^^^ BAM BAM what u know about Randys!!! I been going there since i like 2 years old

Damn John, awesome post.

But wtf…

“And it’s true, once they go Greek they don’t sit for a week!”

I lol’d!

What do I know about Randy’s?

What is this guy kidding me? …If your in the average age of most people here and you have been going to Randy’s since you were like 2 then that just means you started going to Randy’s when I got my drivers licence LOL! …I have been going there for the longest time!.. Randy’s has the best beef paties, I usually buy like 6 of them and 2 bottles of ting. Then I go two or three doors down for some Jerk chicken!

Hey does anyone go to Commisso’s on Castelfield & Kincort for a nice veal sandwich?

It’s true …they don’t! LOL

Holy shit?!
Mark, you’re Asian?
This whole time I thought you were Caucasian.

I like everything you named, so I guess the stereotype does not function as well anymore?
I’m assuming in the past it was pretty effective.

Rilakkuma…OLD! I think everyone knew I was asian years ago.

And John… wtf is TING?

what hte fuck is grap juice? i want GRAPE DRINK… purple, water, sugar.

Dam, I’ve got recommended to try out Comisso’s by an italian dude that worked with me…I’m definitely givin me a shot of some good ole Veal!

Greek related, you guys make the best dam LAMB!! and that Oozo is deadly for liquor lol. Not to mention some Spanicopitas bro! I tried all that stuff from my greek buddy Jake, you guys got great food :slight_smile:

Growing up, I ate the traditional Indian food but also amongst friends, I’ve tried other cultural food which has open to world to eating Thai, Vietnamese, Greek, Italian, Jamaican…and there’s still more food out there to try and love.