Irony...(Inspired by Fry's avatar)

So there’s a summer camp that my sister is working at out in the Sturgeon Point/Hamburg area…and these signs are posted up along all the roads:

…as well as similar, much taller, more like road signs that say “SLOW Children Crossing.”

Sure the sign is funny on its own…but here’s the punch line.

The camp is primarily for children/teens with mental handicaps/disabilities (downs, autism, aspergers, window lickers, short bus veterans, kids that look like :bloated: , etc)…

:uhh: Whoops.

Camp Good Days and Special Times?


Someone is oblivious or hilarious.

I hope it was an honest mistake.

:meh2: :roflpicard:

LMFAO!1 I want to steal that sign.

You think they would have thought that one through.

Give them a break man. they are slow after all. :bloated:

funny story, the NY office for disabled people is called the OMRDD (office of mental retardation and developmental disability), the state wants to phase out the word retardation but if they dropped that part the office would be known as the “Office of developmental disability” or aka “ODD” lol

hahaha…nice work

BUMP! just because my sister got home from working at the camp and tonight i open my door to go to bed and trip over something on my way to bed. I was overjoyed to see it was one of these signs! I now lay here in bed with the sign propped up next to my bed, and appropriately so.

I’m going to hell. I can’t wait!