Yes it is. How can you not believe its worth the price? It’s a fraction of the weight. Have you ever felt a stock hood opposed to a c/f hood? There’s potentially a savings of 15-20lbs. The majority of the cars are a little bit heavier in the front opposed to the rear so it’ll also help balance out the weight distribution.
A lot of anal people on HT cry about the extra weight of an h22. So they say “quit bitching and get a c/f hood & relocate the battery to the trunk.” Even though the weight of an h22 will even out with just swapping over to a c/f hood.
So yes, it def. has its potential. Are there other things you need to finish on your car before hand? If so, get those done first…
OK so is it worth it pound per buck? Not sure if you will under stand this but i think its true. I’m a little out there right now and in the zone of thinking.So… you think of it as horsepower and time savings wise and as weight and time savings wise to get one price per second or what ever. OK so they say -100 = .1 of a second faster. lets say a turbo kit ups you 200 hp so we will say that’s about 2 seconds.(yet these are just numbers to make the point). So say you buy the hood for $430 or what ever and saves you 25lbs tops OK. That saved you .025 of a 1/8Th. so you take $430 and Divide it by four and get $107.5 and the dividing it by four was to dived it so it is like taking off a quarter of a pound of your paying $17.2 per pound saved. so you would have to multiple 17.2 x 100(the 100 pounds saved to make the car .1 faster) so you get $1720 per 1/8 of a second saved. OK so now to explaining the way to save time by adding hp for the price. So you buy a Turbo kit for $4500 to make 200hp more and that will let you save 2 seconds. Now divide $4500 by 200hp. Money divided by horsepower made. you get $22.5 per hp. 200hp divided by 2seconds = 100 horse power per second divide by 8( 8 1/8Th’s in a second) so 12.5hp to save a 1/8th. so take the 12.5hp x the $22.5 you pay per hp and get $281.25 you pay for a 1/8Th of a second. So instead of going the weight savings way and spending $1720 per 1/8Th saved go for a mechanical upgrade to make more hp for $281.25 to save a 18Th second.
OK if that makes no sense just say something and i will delete it tomorrow. Because I’m scared to reread it and make myself mad by seeing it confuse me. Just let me know if that makes me sound like a idiot ha ha. Also this is only really for the drag racing part of if its worth it.
who is that? or what do you mean by it. I think what i said makes perfect sense now that i read it. So much more worth putting the dollars into power adders
heres how i see it… He drives a 240, so correct me if im wrong but id imagine hes more into drift than drag. So weight savings is a big thing in building a drift car, so yes CF is worth it. But who gave you those prices man? They are way over priced. Shoot me an IM, i can get you sebion CF at 10% - 15% above cost
i actually read it twice. i dont car how long somthing is. you should see how much i read on nico, it makes vot look like a noob poster with his “big” paragraphs. :hug . I understood completely. thing is im valley on wednesday nights, and then the drift 3-4 times in the summer. either or i dont want a boat with 250hp (stock hp) my car right now wieghs 2596. factory, the week i got it it wieghed 2829, with just the car not me.
for a 240, those prices are extremely high… Thats his price for the CF picked up by him… The average price for a 240CF hood SHIPPED usually runs what he would pay to pick it up himself, hence it is overpriced