is there a legit fucking reason I cant use cp?

You’re like the hermit that lives in the woods and comes to town once a year when its dark and rainy and nobody sees you.

You’re 100% right.

30 minutes.

When was the last car show or meet you went to around here?

Never once.

Next question.

Sure wasn’t recent. Definitely not the last shift event even. The one you said would fail yet people are still talking about.

Which btw the last shift event was a year and a half ago

So paper or plastic?

Wrong, not a question.

Hand carry.

Dogs or cats?

Sheep or goats?

Blonde or brunette?


The other white meat.


A b or c?

What lube is best for ass gerbils?

Ever been touched by a clown?


How the fuck do you get to sesame street?

What does a horse say he’s hung like?

What is the hokey pokey really all about?


See I make people laugh