Need more advice re 911 service complaint

Well I spent 40 mins on the phone with the sgt at Erie counties communication dept

He said he cant give out transcripts but I am more than welcome to come down and listen to the calls in his office.

Basically the dispatcher is near retirement and does the bare bones minium but he passed the buck to Helmuth Fire company, the sgt said not the best service but that Helmuth is supposed to be capable

Also he said with the voleunteer dept in my town they HAVE to take the call, if they cannot take it they have to contact rural metro or somewhere similar to make other arrangements

Basically he said I can get the calls and listen to me asking for help and the operator saying hes sending it but it wont show what was happening in between that Erie county dosent check up on anything, once they put the call into Helmuths hands its assumed its being handled

So he advised me to talk to the Chief at Helmuth and to talk to whoever is in charge at the rescue squad in town and also to talk to our Mayor in town

He told me he couldnt say for certain but would assume Helmuth would have a recording system and wouldnt purge records after a month, he said Erie county is required to keep the calls and transcripts for 3yrs

He couldnt listen to the calls today because he wont have access to the system until a co-worker comes back on Monday but that he would listen to them and would discipline the dispatcher if he felt it necessary

Over all he said it was a load of crap and was unacceptable but he was afraid there wasnt alot he could do for me personally, I got the dispatchers name that took the calls for Erie co. and I got the complaint number for the case and was told to call anytime if I needed to

So I guess I will call Helmuth and find out their explination and go from there