Would be a replacement for my desktop, used mainly for internet browsing, itunes and minimal gaming. Only two games I really would play are GTR2 min specs Or gtr evolution min specs and even then not so much. Is there anything else out there I should consider before this? I am only looking to spend 1000 at the max.
I don’t think I’d pay that much for a laptop with a AMD Processor,mainly because Intel is quite dominant in the benchmark area these days.
At that price you’re in Dell XPS territory,I’d much rather have a Dell over HP mainly because my past fixing experiences with Dell have been more successful than HP.I know the HP models that are a few years old they’re prone to overheating GPU/CPUs that cause the mainboards to fail or you get graphics that are full of artifacts.
Usually you can find Dell Coupons as well.
alright point taken, so which Intel Processors should I be looking at?
in a laptop probably the Core 2 Duo is what will be common.
You can customize one directly from HP and use these HP coupons
So after some more digging how does this one look?
Also looking at this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834114533 , has a better processor but I am wary about toshiba quality. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834115540 is another one but again i know nothing about acer quality.
I’ve heard good things about toshiba…haven’t much experience with Acer
I’d go with the Acer just for the better video. The newer Toshiba’s seem good (I have one), I don’t know much about Acer quality though.