Is this the oddest fetish site ever?

I dare someone to watch this video…I stopped it before it got ‘good’

WHOA! I think those are referred to as a abscess. Once my machine is working, I’ll watch it and let you know how it is.

dude wtf? nasty!

Dude, I love popping zits when I get them…

but thats just gross and makes me want to throw up

then you need to read this guys comic

:eek3 My father had a cyst on his back like that, but he went to the doctor who cut the skin and pulled out the sack that held all the fluid in one piece. When you squeeze things like that it could break under the skin and cause a nasty infection.

theres a TON of videos on youtube of ppl cutting those open or squeezing them for the camera

pics or it never happened

So I thought I had a strong stomach but really BARF. I mean I’m a nurse I’ve seen some pretty nasty stuff. Incision infections and nasty wounds… but that… freaking nasty…

I was hungry… now I’m not… LOL

dude, im so desensitized now. i was standing around in OR’s for hours in highschool watching shit. i am like 100% gore proof now.