big date.. huge zit?

just be thankful you’re not this guy

I had a boil/zit on my back once upon a time, but it was at most slightly smaller than a dime, that kind of ting would take years to build up, and be very very painfull. :run:

thats a tumor not a zit they are different things

thats disgusting

Thats fucked up

No gloves FTW!

What I want to know is why you would tell anyone that. :dunno:

That video is absolutely disgusting.

What I want to know is why you would tell anyone that. :dunno:

That video is absolutely disgusting.[/quote]

So what? It’s only natural.

Weird shit happens all the time.

I thought it was interesting :slight_smile:

Crazy to see how they deal with things like that in other countries…

why did i watch that while eating?