Issues with Ebay

I go on Ebay and the homepage looks fine. I click on “my ebay” and the page I get is totally different from what I am used to seeing. I log in anyways and I get something about a certificate or something. Now I don’t know wtf is going. The link in the web browser is is the right? I ran spybot s&d and it didn’t bring up anything.

I asked a friend if his page looked the same as mine and it doesn’t. Anyone know how to fix this or is having the same issue? I’m thinking it may be some kind of fake ebay page that is just trying to get my info but who knows. When I logged in through this and got through to my item I clicked on “buy it now” and I got some weird ass checkout page. I’m lost and need to fix this before all my info gets stolen. I use ebay a lot. Thanks!

Cochrane was famous for “if the glove does not fit, you must acquit”.
I’m going to bite off his style since he’s no longer with us.

When in doubt…Don’t check out!
The httpS means secure…most hacker sites don’t pay for a secure cert. Email ebay to confirm if you want a solid answer on the links legitimacy.

It’s showing up as a legit ebay page with a certificate for me.

Firefox FTW.


if you getting cert errors you probably got pwned

It’s working now. I reset my wireless router and now the regular page that I am used to is back. Thanks!