neat find on ebay

while looking around on ebay, i found a “porsche” auction with alittle surpise. the action redirects you to a fake login page to steal your password and user info.

notice the url it redirects you to. thought it was a cool find

Firefox/Google pops up a nice “web forgery” notice and takes me back to my home page

i keep getting bumped to a phishing filter warning site. Stupid IE7


I did see a quick pic of hillary duff though… Shes not as sexy sicne she gave up food.

why doesnt mine do the same?

yea mine just takes me straight to the forged page. pretty neat tho, ive never actually found a scam in the works lol

i put dummy and idiot for the password to see where it was going to take me after that and it takes u to a ask question site, but still on the forged url

I don’t get it. :gotme: I logged in but it didn’t take me to any Porsche auction???

…Just kidding. :smiley:

I almost logged in outta habit.

lol ^^


dif auction tho…