IMPORTANT info for all EBAY users.

Hey guys I just thought I might inform you that there is a scam going on and there are people trying to get your personal information by pretending they are from ebay. You will receive an email stating this:

"Dear eBay User,
We regret to inform you, that we had to block your eBay account
because we have been notified that your account may have been compromised by outside parties.

Our terms and conditions you agreed to state that your account must always be under your control
or those you designate at all times. We have noticed some activity related to your account that
indicates that other parties may have access and or control of your information in your account.

Please be aware that until we can verify your identity no further access to your account will be allowed.As a result,Your access to bid or buy on eBay has been restricted.To start using your eBay account fully,Please uptake and verify your information by clicking below"

:!: Then there will be a link you have to click. When you click that link a page comes up asking you to re enter all you personal data first they will ask you log in with your userID and your password (DON’T !!!) even if you put a fake userID name and fake password it will still take you to the next page where they ask you to re enter your name, address, account numbers, credit card numbers, PIN codes and other personal info for verification reasons. Please everyone be carefull do not reply to this. It looks real and all the links except the one leading you to the page where you input your personal data are linked to ebay but that one specific link is not linked to ebay it is linked to an outside source that steals all your personal data. If you recieve this email don’t respond to it. If you respond by accident go to, paypal and your credit card company and change all your personal info.

I just though I would give you all a heads up because lot’s of people are reporting identity theft and Ebay likes to brag about their security and privacy system, well guess what if someone can design a bullet proof program for them, then there is someone that can proove it isn’t.
Just be careful everyone and take care. :slight_smile:

thanks for the info man.

Please uptake and verify your information

WTF, uptake? It never ceases to amaze me how scammers ALWAYS have terrible grammar, and make it worse by trying to sound smart.

that scam isn’t exactly new, I’ve gotten emails like a year ago, make sure you always look at the source to make sure its actually from ebay

ya this shit is old news, heres the give away, if you ever get an email from ebay, it will not say ebay user, no matter how official it looks(and they look pretty official), if it doesnt say dear _______ (and your username is the space) it was not sent by ebay, done and done

i have been getting that email with sever others for the last 6-8months. I have send then numerous email letting them konw. They say they are looking in to it each time, but there still coming.

This is why you enable your status bar and look at the URL for whatever
BS you click on.

Stupid people who fall for this stuff are the same moron’s whose
computers are full of adware, and who cant browse the internet without
popups every 5 seconds… idiots.

Here’s a tip. Not just for ebay, for any website. Forward the email you get to someone who works at the original site, see what they say.

also ebay will never ask you for personal information in an email.

this is happening with pay pal too… and that is potentially even worse because they can get your credit card # if you “update” them your info. a hint, they ALWAYS use your full name:

i.e. “Dear Tyler Ippolito” NOT “Dear PayPAl user”