Italy's iPhones to be Unlocked?

Italians have better coffee, better food, shorter workdays. And now their iPhones are going to be cooler than ours, too? That’s unfair. But according to La Repubblica, a daily newspaper in Rome, Telecom Italia has signed a non-exclusive deal to distribute a new, 3G-compatible iPhone. It will be unlocked, and won’t come with a two-year contract.

The move could be inspired in part by the fact that Italians are some of the biggest fans of the prepaid calling card setup, rather than locked-in monthly plans. But there’s also been speculation that the iPhone just isn’t as hot over in Europe as it is here in the States.

Telecom Italia hasn’t commented on the report, but the paper indicated that the deal signals a change in strategy for Apple, which will no longer be picking a single provider in each country. The downside, for Italians, is that the uber-gadget will reportedly be more expensive, since the lack of exclusivity prevents Apple from taking a slice of the carriers’ revenues.

Via PC World

I’m this clsoe to moving to germany, you guys. Europe is so much cooler than the US.
Apple are morons for goign with one provider, sell it EVERYONE, make 5x the money. and the mandatory data package bullshit? suck my cock! im not gettin that phone till they do it right.

I thought I read somewhere that eventually all phones in the U.S. will be unlocked and you can use them with any provider.

That would be sick if they were all unlocked here, i would def. get one.

you can unlock them right now… the fact that they made the phone compatable with every network out there was a bonus not only for crackers but for the day they decided to unlock them without needing a third party to hack the phone… word has it the 2.0 software update that comes out for the iphone in june will unlock them for everyone but apple is good at keeping secrets. if you unlock it illegaly per say visual voice mail does not work…eh i love mine…cant wait for the 32 gig to come out so i can sell the 16 gig lol. :runaway

unlocking isnt a problem, but every time u get an update it locks it all back up

oh ok… i didnt know that. well i knew the first software update with the wifi itunes prior to it comming pre loaded reverted the unlocking but i wasnt aware that the second and third up dates were doing that as well.

yup. one of my coworkers has an iphone. i talk to him about it all the time