he’s on here, his u/n is “suzukifreek”
41 posts an no one has said siqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
Can we get him on here now so we can have another entertaining thread at his expense?
And Christian, there’s no age requirement to being too young to know better. Slam him…
quoted from another thread… from the cars owner
WOW You Guys Are All So Messed up Ide like to see your Wrecks Probly all hondas or Crappy Mitsu’s Whatever, When the stang is done Guarenteed it will look 10 times better then anything that pulls next to it at a red light and will run better too.but whatever.
i remember when this kid came into hybrid… hes honestly like 16 maybe
oh jesus
man i feel bad for my grandma, she lives near this trainwreck
that mustang + Chodas setup = perfect sleeper
why would you bump this?
Isn’t the owner on here now?
Yepyep. ^^
I remember that day too jam. I think he wanted a nascar motor and twin turbos or something like that. It was SO hard to keep a straight face.
idk its just funny how you guys get amusement from my car lol
I threw up a little in my throat.
see thread for reference:
please ghost ride the whip into oncoming traffic
wut ever its not like i put the tiger on ?
idk i got a really good deal on it and i needed a daily driver