New hottness spotted...

sorry for the crappy cell pic…almost didn’t capture it at all…spotted on Delaware today. i just hope to god its advertisement of some sort, though i didn’t see any lettering…i LOL’d regardless…

that poor Audi.

lol nice.

atleast its only on a TT
Edit…did you get a close look to see if the tiger mustang was chasing it??

It could have just been running scared

another ray charles fail, im on a roll, or obsessed with ray charles

this is impossible not to laugh at

i forgot where i saw this parked, i think it was in batavia a few days ago. im pretty sure it is for advertising, it said like cheetah or something on it. at least it looked like advertising.

it seems suzukifreek’s mustang has been replaced…

come on its not that bad…

Ya it’s for a cheetah foundation or something like that. I was driving out to Batavia the other day and it passed me. I caught up to it to figure out why someone would do that to their car.

LOL i work with that guy in batavia, he is cool but there is a story behind the car. some chethea consevation fund or something

I saw that before. I was going to go back and take pics.
They live on Delaware Ave towards Sheridan I believe. I saw it parked in a driveway just off the road.


what the FUCK is that abomination