It's alive and way to close to my house


im just goin to wait till i move next year and sell it

or you could take a weekend, instead of watching tv and jerking off, and fix it, lol. then have a clean car and be happy about what you accomplished. it doesnt take long to R and R a couple body parts, and some vinyl.

I just lawl at the fact that he seems to not want change.

we make suggestions but he ignores them

Just remember this little tid bit.

People stare at your car because its horrendous, and they point and laugh, people do not stare at your car becuase its cool, or fast, or good looking.

Im sure it gets ton of attention from the cops as well

prob reminds them of the sprinkles on their doughnuts

^ what I lold at a post by you…the world is ending!

if he likes it thats fine i dont expect him to change what he likes for us. i respect his individuality on this board most kids are followers and try to fit in this kid doesnt care what people say and i like that. the car not so much

without the tiger and rims i think it looks ok,i hope its atleast got a turbo or something.


LOL I was there too, you and I had a hard time keeping a straight face.

u dont know if its turbo?i doubt it is then.

turbo v6 mustang?

y no?

That would be a waste.
Sell car, Buy 5.0 5 speed, keep it ungay, make fast.

5.0s are gay.
Just loose the tiger.

Not everyone likes things so plain like you steve.

i all ready have the 5.0 5 speed in and the turbo set up is sitting in my room

then get going.u builg the setup or kit?

Majority of this site will prove that wrong.

Pics of turbo setup with NYSpeed sign for proof :wink:

they can’t prove that cause its just an opinion,whether or not its a majority vote.

can u stop bumping your old fucking threads already wtf