It's alive and way to close to my house

ya i do,its my neon now im working on a new one not the red one anymore

IK, im saying if it could spin at say 200,000 rpms like turbos do, it would actually work

I’d just boost my car instead :smiley:

I should buy that whistle tip BOV thing for my BMW.
Oh wait, My BMW has a real BOV :ohnoes:


Perhaps having some gearing on the supercharger would make it spin fast enough,ofcourse the extra weight would make it useless.

And we still want to see pics of the turbo setup.

I’ll trade you a black 99 grand am GT for your car :]

ill trade a 94 turbo cutlass ciera with a huge wing i know you like wings

the cutty is turbo?:eyebrow:

the cuttys nasty man


lmao lmfao at the baby

Ok, you win.

wow ok i wasnt going to join in on bashing this kid in the previous 3 disaster threads he started, but ldiablo i wouldnt start calling other cars pieces of shit untill you took a good long look at what your driving. I have to agree with 86maro a neon isnt sumthing to be proud of unless its tuned by mopar and has a little badge that says srt4

please quote me saying peice of shit?
if you dont like the word “gay” then ill use “i dont like 5.0’s”.
And what does your opinion on neons do for me?


‘An opinion is a person’s ideas and thoughts towards something. It is an assessment, judgment or evaluation of something. An opinion is not a fact, because opinions are either not falsifiable, or the opinion has not been proven or verified.’
When you prove that I like 5.0’s better then neons then its a fact,I’m sure 5.0s can be proven faster,better quality,longer life,etc then neons but that is not what was said. I already know neons are POS desposable cars that are cheap.

Sweet neon


I’m trading my GTi in tomorrow for this pink hawtness.

^ dont give him ideas

actually I dont like one part of that neon.