Its chopper time!

I’m digging that speed-hole drilling on the gusset. And, you’re welcome: I didn’t need those controls now and they’ll look great on that bike.

The pics look like hell. They’re like floppy donkey dicks now till I get the spring loaded pins for the foot rests. Thanks though, The foot controls are much better looking than I expected/what I had.

You might need to turn the right peg 90 degrees so the bolt runs front to back. when you take the peg off, there is an allen bolt holding the cap on. We had that apart when removing the controls from Justin’s bike. Also, you can shove a washer in there and it will be fine. HD’s aren’t spring loaded like the buells. They have these spring/washers that don’t work very well.

Definitely like the setup. Wheels, bars, pipes…

She’s stripped down for final finishing!!!

I was thinking a dark forest green, but here is what I left the paint shop with.

I’m digging that color.

Pagan green? Get some gold flake in that bitch?

dupont hot hues lime light, and Honda sage brush.

Tins have their base coat of white, the bars are primed and the frame is sand blasted. The pipes and forks are at AMF and are due back Thursday. I’m hoping to have it assembled some time friday.

cool. good luck.

that green is the hotness! It looks similar to the PRL Drag Car

Gonna be sweet.

Gold flake in the green FTW

Its on and looking nice! I couldn’t tell by the paint chip, or looking at the lib, but the gun metal has a green pearl in it. I’m not 100% how I feel about that though. It goes very well with the tins but I wasn’t going for an all green bike. Oh well, thats how it came out. I’ll post pics soon.

THat looks pretty sick…

You said what? over 24 hrs ago?

c’mon mang, want to see how it turned out!

glory time

Almost there!

Thanks, Looking good! can’t wait to see it all put together!

Much like the Phoenix, it has been reborn. And it kicks ass.

Looks awesome Jay. Where did it get painted at?

Evan painted it at his shop. Just about everything is on and it looks much more bad ass with the seat and pipes. I’ll get pics up in a day or to.