Its time!!!!!!!!!

whitey i need a sticker i can possibley get that done!!!

you’re still gay :crying: :sadwavey: i’m sure us smart people will pull out a GW victory for you boys in the military.

take care dude…my friend just got back he was in baghdad he said there are good days and bad days just take care…he is goin back in 2 weeks too

thank you

good luck and good bless

thank you

good luck over there! i want a peice of that orange car when you get back


Be safe and kick ass.

Great idea

Good luck Eric, make it back safe

Good luck,take care and be safe,and shoot one of dem der rag heads for me if ya get the chance and tell him Devin sent ya! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Yeah and I want to see pictures of our shirt over there :smiley: Take care buddy.

god bless man.

Good luck Eric and be safe.

hey man be safe hopefully you can be safe at home soon…i thank you and your family …allthough our veiws may not be the same i still respect anyone willing to do what you are doing

True Hero good luck and be safe.

good luck man.

Good luck bro.

good luck and god bless

God bless! Stay safe! Thank you for your duties to our country!

thanks everyone for the warm comments… :grouphug:

ps my email is

while i am in kuwait and Iraq i do not know if i can access pittspeed but i am sure i can get my email more often