Hey pittspeed!

Hey I’ts been a while… how has everyone been? whats new? I almost forgot about the site until someone had a “pittspeed.com” sticker on our board at work

PittSpeed died

R.I.P. Pittspeed




It aint going to be the same as it used to be…but still think it can be good.

it is winter we have a whole new group of people ot keep entertained lol. it is bench race season!

i haven’t seen a pittspeed sticker in years

I saw a JJ’s automotive sticker in the back window of a truck on Rt. 51 a few weeks ago, then I passed it while on my pedal bike.

What is Pittspeed? Is that like a car club or something?

didnt miss you

didn’t miss you either!

from your username and sig, it appears you are still mentally challenged… best of luck

I have a PittSpeed license plate frame.

I can’t get rid of my sig. i tried