Pittspeed Ricer Fly-by Last Night

Committed by another PS member once the PITTSPEED plate frame was noticed :slight_smile:

ps. Was there a bike in front of you guys closer to the city?

What kind of car? In the Liberty Tunnels perhaps?

nah Im not gonna say…I htought there was a bike in front but by the time i caught up it took off.


wow… what a great story


it was one of your bandwagon brethren faggetrol

wow, was it a green 240 by chance?

cant say locations of a road you got passed on? :weak:

Im gonna say north hills, potentially on a road where there used to be a sams club and a ford dealer?

this thread < *

someone needs to DIAF

Loved the story.

this thread sucks donkey dick

coulda been one of the kids that got a plate from down the stadiums?

there has been like 100+ plates given out. not sure who it could have been exactly

a ricer on Pittspeed? Never!

Alright guys it was me, I had to do it…I kid I kid

They had a sticker, I have a plate frame.

was it on the side of the car?