Pittspeed Ricer Fly-by Last Night

Another Useless Post



whitey just came out with those plate frames :kekegay:

Come to think of it, my grandmother mentioned something abour passing by a slow silver german POS with a lurch lookin like motherfucker in it giving her the tounge. hmmmmmmmmm.


What kind of car?

She was in a 95 Malibu, Y?

the real pittspeeders actually post…f the rest

the real pittspeeders actually post…f the rest

WTF are you talking about? Random much?

it was probably cheeks being an tard, although he hasn’t driven that car in like 3 weeks

talking about the kids with the PS plate frames that actually don’t even have a PS account or they do and have like 20 posts

So…there are Pittspeed wannabes out there? ROFL That’s hilarious!

closet Pittspeed, Sektion 8 people? :eek3:

My friend is a troll. He has a Pittspeed Sticker on his car, but just lurks. Doesn’t register or post.

so he’s a douche?

worst thread evar

sounds like it:asshole

and we all know success in life is proportional to pittspeed post count… :stick:

seriously… wtf are we talking about here? everytime i see this thread appear in new posts I get dumber just thinking about it.



no it’s just the “real” pittspeeders make an attempt to meet the others by attending meets and such, they don’t just throw on a plate frame or a sticker and call it a day. lurking is for pansies. personally i think getting 5k+ posts on here is overdoing it…i post to mess around with people and occasionally ask a question pertaining to cars that i don’t know the answer to. Unlike most of the guys on here i plan on marrying a woman…not a car

if you marry a woman, what will your dual fire-walls think???