
its almost midnight i am working in the computer center cause we are hooking up some fiber optics… the drive up was unreal there are so many hot chicks up here it is scary… the best part is i should be done around 2:30 right when the bars close i wonder how many naked drunk chick we can see tonight?? woot

Prob none, cause the roofies probably kicked in allready and they are being raped

i remember hearing that IUP had a pretty high amount of STD infected students…

hot chicks in oakland, hot woman downtown :bigok:

it’s just that time of year… BOOYA!

yeah I heard that too I dont think it is as high as everybody things but I know that it is higher than normal. So anybody making a trek to IUP just be careful.

4 letters for STD’s


dude all those hot chics who were too ditzy to ever make something of themselves or too into the ‘big fish in a small pond’ lifestyle went to CALU

those same girls who were really into drugs and being undercover whores went to IUP… :hs: kinda wish i went there

yeah so does RedLineGSR94… only way he would have seen a titty in real life and not paid for it

8 out of 10 useually have an std at that school… :down:

i know a bunch of people the turned into coke heads. this one girl was like " ya ____ does it all the time, i only do it sometimes" WTF? Slut bags!

ya i heard CAL U was the worst for std’s… is it true?

ask shag
