Jan 20 - Mini Meet

You do realize that the site for tuning has english right? Very little, but enough to understand wtf you’re doing :).

I can’t read any asian characters at all. How do you think I’ve been doing it so far? The english is enough to understand. If all else fails. Atla Vista Babelfish.

BULLSHIT you never PMed me your key info like you said you would. PM me and i’ll hook it up

also if you google search for it before you actually go to the site you can instead of clicking on the Bold writing, there is a little button beside it saying translate

i did. it failed lol

thats to complicated for me.

and yeah alot of ppl are guna show friday. call all ur friends

and ill get a carwash b4 i come lol

dude i soooooooooooooooo did

some1 please take my plates out of these pics. for the love of christ

pfff dont acct liek your more important then you acautaly are

Wow… you failed. :#