Jan 20 - Mini Meet

Mini Meet at CG night of Jan. 20th.

Couple pics I snapped; Enjoy.

  1. yay dirty car.
  2. why are my plates in that 1st one clown
  3. those coupes are out of place
  1. your bent up plate? LOL!
    240sx ftmfw

hey i was there … maby / whats the date today ?

When’d you do the sleepy eyes on that thing Alex?

^about a minute prior to the pics being taken. lol

^ lol, brown cut wire ftw :smiley:

Thats what I thought. You’re NOT smart enough to do this on your own :stuck_out_tongue:

You were there.

lol the ol brown wire.
alex needs to be less lazy and post some more pics.

yup. hehehehe. can you ask your cuz if hes still looking for a car? tell him to pm me here.

who said i didnt do it? "D

yeah good time s… soooo much battle gear omg

you guys going back tonite :wink:
alex has to buy me a key :slight_smile:

hahahaha. the deal was if i didnt post the pics by wednesday ill buy you a key. well its just monday. :wink: will post them up tonight.

Im not goin back tonight, too much moneyzzz.

Thanks for the key Alex. And thanks to Ivan and Chris for helping me partout my car :mad:

LMFAO it was just a fuse

plus another fuse and a seat thats it

oo wait an i think the lightbulb

lol, lotssssss of parting out.

lol your so jdm that when you try to use your fogs as non normal lights you blow fuses .