You Can eat off dubvs engine. You’d never expect 220000+KM and it’s entirely factory.
Offroading 240. Next on the list – 36" Mudders.
RB or no RB. Front engine RB???
Country Music, flashing blue sleepy eyes, orange fog lights…
Turn your car around Shorteaz
Almost there
dubv the ghost. He’s stealing Zeps Rims. Caught in the ghostly action.
Appears fully. :S
So Zep. hahaha, next time you have to listen to me when I tell you to hold the button down half way and wait until you hear the beep. That’s when it focuses fully, then press the button fully to get the picture. Most of these came out blurry. I guess we’ll take some more next time.
Here are some quick pics I took of my car right before the meet. Fairview Underground. Found the biggest patch with the least amount of cars.
Rick, were your headlights always so ‘frosty’ looking? From the pictures, they look hazy as hell… you might want to look into wet sanding that baby to get better output, and safer driving.
as far as im aware it lasted around 11 (when i left… pretty sure everyone else was leaving really soon… blade had to catch his bus ahaha, nah he got a ride)
my blurry dark pics will be up sometime, they didnt turn out as good as “popcorn’s” (pcproa) pics but thats okay.
and damn, you sure did whore dubv’s car for the first 8 pics, but all good.
haha and that other guy with the coupe (beside dubv’s) with his flashing lights and country music when leaving hahaha, never heard country music coming out of a 240 before. and that spoiler on the black hatch!! god damn is that thing ever BIG! take it off asap.
nah i dont care bout my lights lol… im goin s15 front later on… cars good for now… thanx for the pics man … and thanx to all thos who came to the meet.