Japanese IQ test?


watch out for the looter - she kicks a lot…

That was pretty fun. Took me longer than I thought though.

That was good, it also took me longer than I thought it would.

is chinese not japanese…

f*cking stupid thing! I’d never get a job that way! shit like that makes me want to go postal. :stuck_out_tongue:


you people are useless… why do you have internet at home…
3sec search on google:
Legend - C- cop , R- robber , D=dad , Du = daugter, B=boy
On the left is send , right is bring back

1 C&R=C
2 C&B=C&R
3 D&B=D
4 D&M=M
5 C&R= D
6 D&M=M
7 M&Du=C&R
8 C&DU=C

Oh shit, I thought u couldnt bring a mofo back after thier on the other side. Easy after knowing that.

You couldn’t try the test first before googling for the answer?

I did try it… but then I though to myself: “someone, somewhere must have solved this already… so why the hell should I try when I can just look up the answer” :smiley:

You’re a perfect example of what’s wrong with people today :slight_smile: And I say that in the nicest way possible, since I’m definitely the same way, if not worse. I just tried it once, failed and said fuck it. People are getting soooooo lazy, but I love it. I look forward to the day when I’ll be able to order hookers over the internet.

Pretty easy puzzle… didn’t take long at all to figure it out.

Yeah, my dad used to use a slide rule and your great grandpa used a abacus but it doesn’t negate the use of a calculator.

Do you remember how to do long division? Were you ever tought how to caluclate a square root by hand? (I was, it wasn’t fun) but the use a calculator reduced the speed of the calculation 1000 fold.

Search engines are just another tool at gathering information, just like the calculator is a tool for calculations… duh.

The puzzle took me maybe 5 minutes.

Comparing calculators to search engines is very subjective wheras a calculator will only give you one answer to the calculation, a search engine will give you a bunch of possible answers.

Calculator on a math test isn’t cheating.
Using the internet to find answers to a test is.

I love search engines, don’t get me wrong… but this imo was meant to be a fun little test, finding the answer online take the fun out of it.

Using search engines to do your job isn’t illegal.
Plagiarizing from search results is illegal.

It’s all about what you do with it.

I couldn’t agree more!