JayS, AWD, Political Crew: Why do we cap SS tax?

Why do you need a car, when a bus pass is cheaper then $60/mo + gas & repairs?

Why do you need a car when most of the major campuses (in this area) are within a 10 minute walk of $250/mo housing (excluding roommates)?

UB South, Canisius, & BuffState are all within a 10 minute walk of ridiculously cheap housing. You can call it ‘hood’ if you want, but there are alot of extra patrols in place because of it.

UB South & North, Buffstate, Canisius, ECC, Medaille, & Daeman are all easily accessible by a whole lot of bus routes.

Not too mention that the NFTA allows for unlimited usage in some cases when showing a current student ID. http://www.nfta.com/metro/Unlimited/canisius.asp

If you’re serious enough about wanting to do something, you will find a way to do it. And these are pretty “well-off” scenarios compared to many cases.