JayS, AWD, Political Crew: Why do we cap SS tax?

Should working 2 full time jobs be the norm?
Depends on what you want. Your choice. Your standard of living. …and most importantly, living within Your means.

I personally know someone who is in the 50-70k W2 range who also spends an additional 20-30 hrs a week on their independant 1099 job - making an additional ~30k/yr. He’s obviously above the poverty line… and not on public assitance. Why do you think he works “so hard” - by your standards?

YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO LIVE OFF OF THEM. They are eduactional loans used for tuition assitance.

If You chose to take out an extra couple of thousand each semester so that you can eat BK instead of Ramen, and not have to work PT / FT… well, you get the idea.

the better idea would be to reinstitute apprenticeship or vocational programs. all college does is charge you a boatload of cash and take up years of your life to learn things you will never need to know for your job. its nothing more than a buisness now and the only way to get that piece of paper that says you know something is if you pay for a bunch of classes that have absolutely nothing to do with your major.

And your friend who’s working so hard is getting screwed, because the government is going to try to take half that 1099 income to pay for the programs the Joes are pitching. I know this for a fact because my 05 return was exactly what you stated. 55k income, 31k 1099, and if it weren’t for some very creative tax deductions my tax guy came up with the goverment wanted 17k of that 31k. Even with the deductions I still paid in around 12k on the 31k of work I did above and beyond my 40 hour a week job. That’s just not right.

And no, student loans are not for LIVING off. They pay tuition while your part time job or assistance from parents pays for your car/food/rent.

Always has been. Ever since college #2 opened its doors.

Regardless of what you think of the validity of the coursework, the generally accepted fact is that you need a degree to be competitive - depending on your choice of fields.

If you wanted to be competitive in the NFL, would you work out on a Bowflex in your basement everyday for a one-time $1000 investment?
Would you spend $500/mo working out with a personal trainer at the BAC?
Would you spend $1500/mo working out with a proven & experienced NFL trainer?

I’m not asking them to pay more % wise, I’m asking them to pay the same as someone making 50K/yr

yeah. how bout we get back to social security. It has been fun though, got me through a lot of account mapping changes.


Sorry, got sidetracked.

I don’t think that they should be AS responsible to a debt that they don’t / won’t owe.

Its more then fair to have them remit anything into the system(s).


Do you have any idea how expensive College is now? UB is like 10K/yr

How do you know? How many people make millions only to lose it all later on?

I don’t. Why do you assume that once they lose their millions, they don’t ever go back to work - therefore paying into it, and possible at the “higher rate”…?

Heading to lunch…

Ok, 10k/yr.

At $9/hr working 25 hours a week that’s 11700 gross. You’ll get to keep most of that since you made so little and you’re in school. Plus there are lots of times during the year like winter and summer breaks when you can work 40+ hours a week.

Even if you factor in paying for misc expenses like a cheap reliable STOCK car to get around in you can easily get through school with 2k or less in loans a year. Graduate in 4 years with 8k in loans which works out to about $80/month if you take the minimum payment.

But people don’t want that because they want an STi with 5k in a mods while they’re in college while still having enough money to go out 3 or 4 nights a week. They don’t want to work 40 hours a week when school isn’t in session because that’s their break time. Boo fucking hoo, then take out 10k/year in loans and deal with paying it back when you graduate.

But back on topic, I’m against any system where you put more and more tax burden on the successful people in your society to pay for those who didn’t plan ahead. Joe, every program you bring up involves “just tax the rich”. Want health care, tax the rich. SS? Tax the rich. National debt, tax the rich and pay it off. College? Well those richy’s can pay for that too. Where does it end with you? There will always be someone with their hand out and with you it seems you’re always willing to dip into someone’s pocket to pay them.

New sig check.

I don’t assume that. My point is that there’s no reason why the most able to afford the 6% tax shouldn’t have to pay it. Medicare has no tax cap.

How do you live of making $10k/year?? And then have to pay for school on top of it?

I can’t believe people are pushing the “poor people must just be lazy logic” anybody who’s ever really been poor (and I mean with no family to fall back on etc) can tell you it’s not as simple as “stop being lazy”. to succeed from being poor requires just as much luck as it does skill and perseverance. I’d like to see some more of that “luck factor” taken out.

according to Census stats, millions of americans do it all the time.

I already stated that a flat tax would be most ethically fair, all things considered.

Though I don’t agree that the “rich” should pay more tax solely because they are able to.

I don’t know what you guys are talking about. Lots of people live off of student loans while they’re in school. You don’t need a car at all, much less a nice reliable car. That’s why there is on-campus housing and food. And you absolutely get federally subsidized loans for well over just the cost of tuition.

There is no reason why anyone can’t fill out a FAFSA and an application to a state school and go without a dime to their name.

I mentioned earlier that I worked up to 3 part time jobs while I was in school. I didn’t need to. My first year I didn’t work. Then I decided I wanted a higher quality of life so I started working and spent more in general and bought a shitty old vehicle. I didn’t have to.

As for some people needing help, I thought this country was built on the principle that all men are created equal.

Well, lets be more reasonable. When you’re in school full time there are easily 5 months a year when you could be working full time. So it’s more like 14.6k/yr.

No cell
No cable
Basic internet since you’ll need that for school
250/month rent w/utilities sharing some little place near school.
Basic car, liability only insurance.
Or as Fry mentioned, live on campus and don’t even have a car. That really limits your job options in WNY though since our public transit is pretty lacking.

It’s really not that hard to see how people do it with 2k or less a year in student loans. The problem is kids don’t want to make those sacrifices so you see posts like the one where the kid wanted to max out his student loans to turbo his car or buy a motorcycle or some other nonsense.