JClizzle can suck it

Kramer how the f*** did you get 1000 more posts than me in a month? :rofl

No idea what’s goin on right now.

I know :frowning: :rofl

I need pinehaven to open back up and for people to start contacting me for detailing again (…wait, that’s already happened… :shifty )

I miss working ~30 hrs/week plus school :excited srsly I do

You’re in a dual duel. You will be contacted with a date, location, and proper attire (most likely business-casual) in due time.

EDIT: Is “fuck” srsly censored?

DOUBLE EDIT: Nope, we’re good :smiley:

Can I bring the Altima in my avatar? Ya know, once I buy it in Imaginarytown, USA.

Absolutely. I just won’t be able to detail it because it’s FAR superior to my BMW, I’m actually very jealous of your Altima.

Whoever gave me negative rep for saying i would hang out with someone if they broughy a car to Duanesburg(where i live) to drive down “fire roads” (theres only one) is an asshole. Thanks.:thumbup

lol i get retarded neg rep all the time


Do I dare put the big… 02-21-2009 01:15 PM gtfo family sedan driving e36 fanboi

JClizzle can suck it 02-24-2009 03:46 PM still no bimmer

i :rofl at people who go out of their way to do that

JClizzle can suck it 02-24-2009 03:46 PMno

wat. you want some more?

Sure if you want to neg rep me for saying something completely normal. That would be real cool. :crazy

I may have you detail the Fit once the weather gets nice, all my in and out of it with all the skiing I’ve been doing this winter is making the interior get dirtier than just my vacuum alone can handle.

Do I get a miniature car discount :rofl

dude i was kidding. lol… i didnt rep you in the first place :slight_smile:

Yeah i didnt think so…I dont realy care just kinda pissed me off for a minute.

:lol. every time some one says OMFG WHO NEG REPPED ME!!! i always relpy with that. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately not :rofl your car isn’t even all that small! lol

Although I like cleaning exteriors the most, a nice interior “project” gets me :excited too.

thinkg sounds worse than my last civic with the borla

It actually sounded pretty good when Pete and I were driving behind you on last years cruise. :thumbup

Thank you charles i like my current setup much more though. Your shits gonna beast once once the cats are gone.

102fwhp FTWWWWWWWWW :number1

Skunk 2/H&R suspension plus lightness of the car would have beasted on you with decent tires. Tossablility of that car was epic. :lol