JClizzle can suck it

just playin :haha

but srsly watch this :excited

Your Altima can suck my actual BMWs. Go buy one already.

The throttle is not an on off switch.

JClark can suck it for various other reasons…not this one

Stephen Ryan and I are going to pack you into the smallest trash can we can find on Saturday as my bday present to him.

im working on it lol

and i noticed that too, it’s WOT or nothin, baby!!! :rofl

which Ryan, pack who, and bday present to who? :wierd

EDIT: goddamned ninja edits

Not going to happen as Ryan will be far to intoxicated to function and well lets just face the fact’s, you are a bitch


That’s my Cliff’s Notes of the video.

Epic gurney flap on that wing
this :rofl

kinda ironic, back in the day jdizzle used to live up here he built a turbo delsol and took me for a ride in it one night. The delsol in 5th gear cruising at an easy 80-90mph would break loose rolling onto the throttle when building boost, it was great.

dude you are SUCH a homo :rofl

Like half the dude’s you’ve raced with/will be racing with don’t use the throttle like an on/off switch.

Videos like that just make me want to build a total shit box with the YBT engine I have and do EXACTLY that on D-burg fire roads. I need to take you for a rip on the rally course this year up at KTA. Mid august, once the ground get’s good and dry(solid) so we can get some speed and not end up upside down in the stream.

They dont actually. You cant get away with it on tarmac. It’s like the first thing an instructor beats into a novice’s head right after “dont hit anything.”

Let me know if you do :excited i will meet you on said fire road and videotape/co-pilot :thumbup

I remember watching a vid with telemetry from an E36 at RA, he was part throttle maybe 10% of each lap, otherwise it was WOT or nothin, that’s just one vid though blah blah blah.

But if he was fast he wasnt going from 10% to 100% in .00034 seconds like an on/off switch. You have to gradually squeeze pedal pressure as traction will allow. Any more and you lose traction, any less and you could be going faster.

I r nuib

It’s ok. You actually HAVE a BMW and dont even have one in your avatar. Kramerface on the other hand…

Lmao that is a low blow

Lol at Kramerface M3 hoax

I have nothing to say to you immature people, other than that I am very, VERY disappointed in you.

Jesse, I think you are the perfect candidate for the #4 guy in our dual duel. It will be kramerbuttz vs. lkshomo vs. 88gaymarro vs. fagclark