To the cool kid riding shotgun in his boys altima

No…I’m not a pussy. Im Sorry I didn’t race your friends Altima on the blvd at 6pm in bumper to bumper traffic. Your right though, we should have gunned it and slammed on the brakes 50’ ahead or maybe even hit someone.

But, if you insist, yes… Yes I am a pussy. You know the saying, you are what you eat.

Next time douche

Ps-I usually don’t do this. Actually I never do this but I had to. Its Friday, its sunny, the top was down and things were perfect…till you entered my life. No worries, you didn’t make that much of an impact. By tomorrow or maybe even tonight I will laugh about how awesome you looked screaming out the window riding…shotgun

LOL. Excellent

You should know by now.

This is what you get when you drive a vert.

For some reason, when you are top down, every ass hat and his brother needs to yell shit at you.
Some of my favorites.
Kids at a bus stop that yelled “nice car fag” to which I just asked if they were waiting for the bus.
Dudebro that told me it was a “fggt 4 banger” (maybe because I passed him on the off ramp to the NFB) so I ripped a heater… Normal adult response.


the second insult mingle heard was way better.

100% STOCK!

I had girls on a schoolbus yell “your car is hot and i want to suck your dick” true story. it was kind of awkward. Lol


Buy a motorcycle, it’s just as bad.

“12 o’clock that shit brooo!”

“My best friends cousins fiances sister had a bike like that, hers was wayy faster though”

Ackward before or after the blowie?

I tend to tell people that a lot…Yell at me in traffic = stupid answers.

About a year ago in my other 280z i had some kid at a stop light calling me a faggot cause the car was painted in chalkboard paint and was full of drawings and stuff from the NYspeed bbq or drift event (dont remember which one it was)

Once we started moving in traffic my friend in the passenger seat threw his mcdonalds milkshake out the window at the kids car… It was like jesus himself threw that milkshake, it went right in the sunroof and exploded all over his car.

I nearly pissed myself laughing, he pulled over Never saw him again.

Lol true and awesome
Those are good

Yea, let the summer begin

---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------

Hagahahaha awesome!

i would never do something like that to someones car personally, i just find it wrong to fuck with someone elses vehicle.

But holy shit what my buddy did was hilarious, i really hope that kid never fucked with anyone in traffic again.

I would. Milkshake + windshield = blind.

= head on collision?

= free milkshake?

Maybe I’m just a cup half full kinda guy…

Lol, like they say if there is grass on the field play ball…

If there isn’t any grass on the field, play in the mud.

Wtf^ lol

^ rofl