Why the hell would anyone bother running an Altima anyway? Waist of time. I usually get in front of those people and drive crazy slow, everytime they try to get by I goose it and cut them off at the last second. I did this to a Tiburon Thursday in Wilson, this dude passed me like a total dick, cutting in front of me spitting rocks up thinking he’s SO totally cool dude. So I got in front of him and did 20-30mph and everytime he tries to pass me id get on it slightly [-X DENY
Sounds like a ricer
I have a size 32 waist.
me two!
Coolness level: 0/10
Eye have a 32 inch waste as well.
Enough of one to post about it.
Who cares about some douchy tough guy ricer anyway?
I once had a 32 inch waste.
It’s not always about length.
Thought it might be fun to see the comments / if the guy was on the forum. Not that I care, but just…for fun