jenna jameson....

yikes she scares me

God she looks awful. Maybe she should help herself to a KFC bucket.

well i mean i doubt she forgot how to suck a dick…

Celebrities that use their “popularity” and I use that term loosely, to spout a political agenda make me sick.

Also, I doubt anyone paid her to do that, she’s just a whacky animal lover fruit-cake. So in addition to passing judgment on KFC, she thinks we should all automatically agree with her coke-snorting, penis mongering, white trash ass.

I for one, do not agree with her.

I know, what an evil bitch for being upset at how we torture innocent animals.

Good lord :doh: innocent animals… maybe they commited crimes in chickland and were on death row. :stick:

I personally don’t give a fuck. But I can understand how someone, especially a chick, could get their panties in a twist about it. There are worse things she could be doing with her celebrity…

using that term is looser than her junk

had some boneless honey BBQ today…

after her chin was redone she looked shes just gross


wow is that the most naive thing I have ever heard.

Its food, you need to kill them to eat them. There are how many billions of people on earth? Sorry they can’t have a proper funeral before being sacrificed for the better good.

Question: if a fox gets a hold of a chicken and rips it to shreds, should the fox be sent to jail or charged with the unethical killing of a chicken? I’m sure that chicken’s end to life was much more violent than how humans may harvest them.

Got news for you, it’s called the food chain. Deal with it.

Who cares if cutting the head off a chicken hurts it, it’s going to be used as food to feed you dumb fucks that keep pumping out kids to live off the government anyways.

These groups and people like you are basically idiots who have too much fucking time on their hands and like to over analyze stupid shit like this to the point you think you are right, losing all sense of reality in the process. Especially when it comes to the treatment of Livestock, plants and so forth. I can’t wait till the next hippie wannabe starts crying that there is too much violence in the corn industry.

You need food to live, you get that through plants and animals. Deal with it or put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.

I know two posts later you said you “don’t really care” but to have the attitude she could be doing worse things makes you a shade smarter than her. How about not complaining about stupid shit like this at all that would be a better option and more productive. Hell real issues might even get address by the news media and papers instead of “HEADLINE: Washed up porn star fights for chicken rights!”

If I took your analytical thought process and applied it, it would go something like this…

If she would shut up –> the papers wouldn’t kill scores of trees to print this stupid article –> oil and coal wouldn’t be used to operate the mills and press rooms creating cleaner air –> which would improve the living conditions for everything on earth.


so what ur sayin is …“LAY OFF, I’M STARVING” :bigthumb:


she’s a porn star complaining about chickens. I dont really care? Do you?

that was pretty much my point.

It aggravates me that this kind of shit gets even gets press coverage, and when people make comments “she could be doing worse things” it just shows the mentality of today’s society. All that does is contribute to the problem.

Well the fact that you’re aggravated does make me feel kind of warm and fuzzy inside.

However, when I said that she could be doing worse things, I mean she could be being a waste of a cunt like Paris Hilton/Britney/Nicole Ritchie/Linday Lohan…

My point is that is at least she’s trying to do something positive. Thats far from evil.

its a moot point… theres nothing positive or productive in what she’s doing. its a whole lot of nonsense thats doing nothing.

