jenna jameson....

:weak: why do people like this come and say or let people speak on their behalf to say dumb shit like this:

Hi Everyone! I’d like you all to check out my video at You can also see exclusive videos by Pam Anderson and other celebrities there.
I made this video after I found out that KFC breaks birds’ wings and legs, cuts their throats while they’re still alive, and worse. Chickens are gentle and smart and don’t deserve to be abused like this.

stick to suckin cock! how ironic that jenna may be the #1 cause of people abusing their chickens. :wackit:

those chicken are alive for the soul purpose to become diner in a bucket. what is it that gives these celebs such a guilty conscious they feel the need to say soemthing about what the fuck KFC does to the chickens that are gonna be dead anyway… God forbid they stand for something of real importance like why people skate through school without learning fundamentals… I used to think jenna was cool but now i know she doesn;t have any intelligence to think for her own and has to follow scum like pam anderson. i mean id still fuck her but what a waste.


I watched a UCF fight last night and she was in the crowd with Tito. Girl looks like shit and thin as a skeleton.

yeah like shes blowin coke like nobodys business thin.

ewww, she has gone way downhill

hahaah! cutty.

nice sig by the way. i like

yea man she looks terrible…just wonder what shes thinkin anymore if she actually thinks she still looks good

I agree with everyone else. You must not have seen her lately. She was on L.A. Ink the other day and she looks like a skeleton. I don’t know what she was thinking.

yep…truth-total fuckin idiot

i hit it with a 5 piece chicken dinner and a wet nap

mmmm kfc


These celebs probably get a nice chunk of change to say how much they like animals and how bad it is to kill them.

in much the same way I get big chunks of change to point out how retarded you are?

what is your purpose for being alive then? to bring down the national IQ average?

mmm bowls and bbq boneless wings

but in reality, you only make yourself look like a bigger tool than before.


really? So who exactly are the people that give big money to celebs to denounce mistreating the animals we eat? Big lettuce? :hsugh:

Ask the celebs? :dunno:

maybe a KFC competitor???

and it was not a statement of fact, hence the “probably” in my original post.

it was you talking out of your ass. :wink:

what is it with you and other guys asses?

cough cough homo cough cough
