Boycott KFC *vid*

Not that i eat there anyways, but this makes me sick. Chicken cruelty.

Dude, that is friggen sick (the bad sick).

I’d like to see that happen to some of those people.

Does PETA have any kind of case there? I mean if the workers were to just chop the chicken’s head off, it will still run around for a bit without a head. The workers have to stun the chickens first so when they behead the chicken, it stays dead.

I dunno what PETA’s definition of animal cruelty is , but a chicken running around looking for it’s head seems cruel to me.

Did the chickens have large talons?

Seriously though…I guess some of you haven’t seen the asian video
where they skin racoons. It’s like this video x Eleventy billion.

This is just nuts though…

fu ckers there bruising my chicken

i couldnt even watch that all the way through, its disgusting , what kind of human being would do that to a little chicken, kinda makes me wanna go down there and stomp them.

I like chicken. I don’t want to see the vid because it might make me not
like chicken.

Ignorance is bliss my friends…

MmMmMmMm chicken.


i can’t watch that, i watched 10sec of it …that is pretty disturbing
even if they are just chickens, its pretty cruel.
:cry: :cry:

I wouldn’t mind paying 800% more for my chicken as long as I had the comforting knowledge that the chickens were given a relaxed and “humane” death. Send them to a nice little room where they are serenaded by Beethoven while watching video of the outside world they never knew, then slowly put to sleep, a la Soylent Green

Or maybe we should just totally shut down all the farms that have chickens too… oh, and kill all the predators in the wild - foxes, coyotes, fishers, weasels, wolves… now THOSE are the insensitive guys, such a mess. Those poor chickens.

who cares,

KFC breeds genetically altered chickens that have crazy large breasts and nothing else.

the chickens dont even know they are chickens and they are so genetically fucked up anyways that it is quite likely that they cannot even comprehend the sensation of pain as being something that isnt a 100% natural part of their existence.

they are not bred to hatch eggs, they are bred for the explicit purpose of being killed for their white meat.

on another note, how perfect must your life be to sit and worry about the chickens?

i am pretty sure that remorse for chickens isnt anywhere on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, so perhaps we have evolved to a whole new level of needs where instead of worrying about our own self-actualization we have a serious regard for the physiological needs of genetically altered and bred chickens.

To whatever bing wrote:

:werd: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

i just watched it and i think im goign to grab some KFC

PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals

Bing - 8)

think of it as them pre-tenderizing your meat. maybe that’s just another reason why kfc tastes so good :lol:.

I think Axlerod was being sarcastic, and I think Bing is only right on some points, because the need to feel bad for the chickens is directly connected to the need to be perceived positively by others. Deep down we think: If I don’t feel bad for these chickens, people on t3h intarweb will think I am evil!
I’ve never felt guilt or remorse for something I haven’t done (aka. 9/11, London Bombing, KFC chickens, I mean… I didn’t do it, nobody close to me died, why should I give a shit other than having others perceive me as a NON-evil fuck?)

Really? Me? Nah 8)