My GF won't cook me eggs any more cause of this bullsh!

Possilbly NWS

they look happy to me.

I told her it was a necessary evil and she hasn’t said a word to me since.

they look delicious to me

mechanically separated chicken. it’s the second ingredient in slim jims.


lol, at them falling into the grinder

I personally don’t care about chicken’s feelings.

Slap her every morning and ask her for eggs.

Tell her you like your women like you like your fish.


Maybe she’ll get the point that she needs to go back to cooking eggs. :slight_smile:

if she isn’t going to cook for you, what’s the point?

how is that a necessary evil?

Seriously it is needed but it isn’t evil.


without it there would be no slim jims

I’m still curious why its needed… there are many other ways to go about this way… instead of huge factories, processing this shit like this

As long as she never finds out how pigs are treated, don’t sweat it.

So your saying it’s not evil or why is it necessary?

It’s necessary to keep the cost eggs down so we can all be happy.

That’s part of the reason why I get free range eggs from farmer’s markets. I don’t stay away from unhealthy and cruel industrial food chain completely, but I do what I can.

Why is it needed?! We want cheep food that is why it is needed. I don’t want to pay out the ass for a slim jim, that is why it is needed.

It is needed because people are willing to do it. If you aren’t I will, I’ll reap the profits, I’ll drive the M3. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Fucking hippies

Organic eggs ftw

You think they’re any better?

I’m eating 6 eggs per day right now, so organic is too much $$$…

they should call that the chris brown machine.