My GF won't cook me eggs any more cause of this bullsh!

organic free range eggs are double the cost… which is not expensive at all… for a dozen its not difficult to pay the little extra to know they are living a decent life…

hell you can even head out to the country for eggs and get eggs for 1.50 a dozen, and see the chickens living a decent life.

YAY!!! FRee movement!

YAY!! A better life :frowning:

I don’t even bother trying to convince anyone of anything anymore.

People will think what ever they need to feel OK doing whatever it is they want to do.

Pun intended?

lol. I do not remember seeing the grinder on dirty jobs, or how it’s made.

Praxair can sell them a “stunner” that would knock them out 1st…
We would have to downsize it some, as it’s made for turkey’s

Praxair, Inc., has developed a CAS system which stuns turkeys while they are still on the trailers. Over the course of the last two years, Cooper Farms, St. Henry, Ohio; Sara Lee, Inc., Storm Lake, Iowa; and Farbest Foods, Inc., Huntingburg, Ind.; have each installed a Praxair CAS system.


Fresh Brown eggs are 1.50 a dozen and the chickens have a good life.

ILC you should become a farmer, and skip around all your lovely animals.

Jk :stuck_out_tongue:

I would actually love to retire in the woods and be self sufficient.



you have feelings


I can’t wait to own a house and go off the grid :slight_smile: and have a greenhouse on my roof :slight_smile:

Buy 6 chickens and a coop and I’ll stop feeling bad about buying 3 dozen eggs from the evil wegmans egg farms please :frowning:

Here is a tree…let the hugging begin.

why was the grinder covered in yoke? are chics made from yoke? yumm

No more eggs @ the buffet?

When I saw this pic, I thought that chick had it made with a cool ride and logo

haha, that does look like a sweet ATV

Like I said, I do what I can. When I can buy humanely raised meat I do. It’s a ton healther. Grass fed beef has more omega-3 fatty acid than wild salmon (farm raised salmon is a waste of time.) :jawdrop:

Want to live together? :skunk:

I love buying 1/2 pigs and 1/4 cows from local guys.

  1. its cheap
  2. taste is tities
  3. keeps them in business

i kinda grew up on a farm, the main focus being beef, so i know that there is only so much you can do to humanely slaughter an animal… but that chicken stuff is just fucking ridiculous.
I had no idea prior to this video that they did that, but i’ve been convinced to change my purchasing habits.

Not that I want to find out, but I’m guessing going from living being to ground meat in less than a second is a pretty painless way to go. Not like you’re being slowly fed through the grinder.

Did you not watch the video? Some survive the grinder and lay on the floor in pain

I sit in my office and think about all the pain, suffering, and injustices in the world all day. Hungry kids in Africa, Taiwanese children in sweatshops, chicks fed into grinders, world hunger, animals going extinct, etc etc

JK WTF do I look like mr.buzzkillington


Brutal. But I’m with Fry on the “do what I can” thing. Meh.

I wonder what happened to the chick we raised in 1st grade. Poor Chester :frowning:

You gotta crack a few eggs to make a good omelet…