Here is what PISSES me off like NOTHING else!!!

A friend of mine sent me this asking me to write a letter in support. After I saw this, I thought I would share it in order to give some of you the same oppertunity.

It would take everything I had to stop from killing these two fuks with my bare hands. None the less, I would have beat them into coma. I dont think I’ve ever questioned someone’s existance like I did after seeing this. I could go on and on.

Whether or not you are an animal lover - be forewarned, it appears that the sick fuks’ taped their exploits (leading to their identification) - it is work safe (no nudity, etc). Just be warned - the video isnt easy to watch…

PS this is the only thing i agree with PETA on…

thats completely disgusting. i’d be right with you kicking the living shit out of those homos

Seen it awhile ago. Yuck. :frowning:

horrid… i’d kill the fuckers RIGHT NOW :madfawk:

fuck all that… they are the reason guns were made. id smoke both of em and never think twice about it.

dog looked like a nice dog too. fuckin assholes need beat with a damn skateboard their damn selves. :madfawk:

its a shame the dog diidn’t killl them fuckers

shame someone didnt walk by and beat the fuckers to death

if i would of seen that… i would of started fighting those dudes, regardless of my ability to fight or the fact that there are more of them than me.

i would honestly shoot that kid in the face if given the oppurtunity…

OR better yet… let that asshole try to smack my dog with a skateboard… after 1 hit that pussy will realize that he’s about to get mauled

i would have shot the fuckers kneecaps out and let the dog maul em

it is nice that everyone that posted agrees

:madfawk: :madfawk: i’
ll fuck up there whole FAMILYS!!!11

Man thats just like the asshole kids that shot my Aunt and Cousin’s horse with a 22 for fun and they had to put it down. It was out in donagal about a year or so ago. I think those assholes should be shot too.


btw, i showed one of my attorneys this and he’s writing the DA as we speak (post)

awesome job sonny

thanks, it’s just fucked up… when i get home tonight i’m going to start training my dog to kill emo faggots like this…


:bowdown: :bowdown: :reloading :reloading

i like to see them try that on brians dog

me tooooooooooo

Id kill a human over my doggy :frowning:

Cool let me know because I’ll bring mine over and he can piss on the remains.