Here is what PISSES me off like NOTHING else!!!

that’s just horrid and they do need dealt with but i in no way support peta AT ALL

that’s messed up. those fuckers need hit with the same skateboard, or better yet tortured.

then i would walk around the corner and concave their face with a steel toe boots

motherfuckers are yaughing about it, they need to pay for this!!! :reloading: pittspeed road trip anyone!!!

x2! :madfawk: :madfawk: :mad:

im in

i like animals… i would whoop some ass

my mom said she’s in for the trip too, kids are assholes

hello, and welcome to last month. But that does piss me off. If it was a cat, i would have just laughed though. I can honestly say that if I saw those kids doing that, I would have fucked their ddays up. I hate wannabee skater fags to begin with.

I’d curb the fuckers.

OMG I cant even watch the whole thing…all I can think of is my poor dog, who relies on me for everything. That is sick


thats just sad… the dog looked innocent as can be… i clicked it off … :madfawk:

i hope those kids die… seriously…

i hate peta people also

that is horrible…i went and punched my punching bag for ever…i wish i would have saw that…cause i would have totally have destoryed those faggots…kids like that give skaters a bad name too…stupid fuck heads…man i would love to fucking fight one of those assholes…i hate ppl that hit animals…

just watched it and im definately down for a road trip!

stupid dirtball skater motherfuckers. i wish that dog woulda got up and grabbed that fuck by the balls.

I hope that kid dies

I agree though…I hate PETA too