Man this is all sorts of fucked up

Kinda gross animal cruelty

that is just fucking wrong… what a pussy, i will pick that mother fucker up and slam him

:puke: that is disgusting. :puke:

my feelings exactly

I hope one of those thing bites himand his ass get rabies and can’t get to a hospital in their peice of shit third world country and he dies…that is all :rant: :whitey:

fucking piss of fucking shit asshole!!! i hope he dies a very painful death…fucking pussy

i’m not going to even look at it… i don’t need to flip out yet.

im not looking either… but on a side note of animal Cruelity, where are the pics of your neighbors dogs?

humane officer took them before i could get the pics well good ones anyways

glad to see that those dogs will live a better life

thats so fuckin disgusting i think im going :puke:

thats why i didnt look :doh:

i looked… i’m fucking jacked off now. :madfawk:

fuck…im watching more of it…i only got past the part where he slamed em off of the ground…
fuck hes skinning them alive!!!

fuck i hope he dies…fucking piece of fuckingshit 3rd world countries…

i fucking hate that fucking shit!!! im really fucking pissed now :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk:

Oh please… did any of you cry before you bit into your Cheeseburger or Easter Ham? I know some people here have leather jackets, shoes, wallets, how about a leather car interior? Nope, its perfectly okay for you to kill that animal. Its a raccoon, who cares.



they make nice hats