jeramy(nsmo-gtr) pranked!!!!

so i found this soundboard on so i decided to try it on some people. sorry to pat, tom, dan, and steve. lol. i got dan good the first time. over two minutes talking to machine. but it still doesnt beat jeramy(nsmo-gtr) which had a whole conversation with the machine.

part 1

part 2

heres the soundboards i used.

OMG THAT IS ****IN JOKES!!! jeramy your a retard… hahahhahahaha. ownage of the year… wow…

+100 alex.

omg alex… out of everything uve ever done in your life… i think that is the coolest thing uve ever done… wow… jermey… no need for words… im speechless…

Alex i idolize u

wo soooo gay… but i****ing love u alex!

the best part was jeramy was a good sport about it plus pat too. but pat tried to back talk by saying he knew it was me all along. :wink: ill probably post up pats later tonight if hes ok with it. hehehehe.

ya ya ya you got me Alex…lol. It was no help that that voice sounded exactly like my friend’s voice, that is why i was fooled! Anyway, props to you for getting me because I am usually hard to trick!..I’ll get my revenge though…lol :wink:

ummmm… Back Talk???
You think I lie?
First time I was on it for a minute. The responses were delayed and not to my liking so like any bitch, I hung up. (Plus Connie was right there)
A Call back and the responses were the exact same way. No variation in tone, length, attitude, whatever. I’ve developed a keen listening ear from my almost 3 years working in a collections agency, so I figured out it was a recording.
I didn’t know it was you the entire time, but it was ticking in my head after the second hangup. I then realized you were the only character to do that, then you called.

I guess you can post it :S
Not sure what it sounds like but whatever.

Thats wtf it was I was tripping out you made me yell at my friend catlin lol

i love you all for putting up with me. lol. what i was surprised was that no one knew her. i cant believe no one recognized the name.

I knew it was a sound board but with issue’s with my ex calling and hanging up I thought it was her with friend doing stupid shit. I think my reaction was alright hahah :smiley:

LOL alex that was ****in jokes… JEREMY! you an idiot… lol mannn that was tooooo funny

wat a loser hahah

everyone easy with the comments. dont start bashing jeramy like crazy. he fell for a prank, thats about it. he was a good sport about it and didnt get mad or anything. try to ease up on the comments. lol.

“Who is this… Christine Mendoza” Dude I f-cking hate you!!!

You called back like 4 times, I was sooooooo pissed off. The first one I tried talking to it LMAOOOOO OMG!!

i should’ve recorded yours. it was one of the best. i do it out of love. :smiley:

I figured it was a recording… But I had NOOOOOO idea who was doing it!

Worst part is, I have a friend named Stephanie Mendoza… So it kinda through me off.

I wanna hear mine SO badly!!

sadly i didnt record you first one. the following ones you basically hanged up after a few seconds.

Why didn’t you record it??

Was I the first person you did it to?

BTW how’d u get my phone number??

^for the nth time. you gave me your number you stoner!!! you keep forgetting.