Jesse's Random CSCS aug9th photos (includes bum shots)

here are some random photos from yesterday that were on my camera when i got home. I did not take any pics of cars driving, they were taken by Pat, i took all of the non-driving pics. why bums? cause they are better than faces.


did cody win the burnout comp


sweet ass pics

LOLLL jesse thumbs up… taking random bum pics of ppls gfs

yeah, if i took a picture of your girlfriend= im jealous and would like to touch her bum with many things


I think I got shafted by the combustable honda. Fuckin pissed they judged on smoke and crowd noise, pretty sure i won both judging by pics and what ppl told me. They said he was the only FWD and its a family car lol so i guess there gunna give him the new rubber for his toasty honda lol

After a nice burnout from the black s13 and an ugly burnout from a black s14 the honda defenily should get the set of tires,he’ll need a paint job after that for sure,lol

thats just gayyy

very sick ass pics

lol nice pics jesse. dmcc we should run a booty pic contest. most booty pics w/o them noticing wins! creeper status ftw lol

wicked event.

Didnt the black S14 get in shit for going down the track?

i like guess bum mmmmmmmmm

damnnnn lol best pictures were def the ones with the hot girls! hahaha

nice pics man…

congratz on 2nd place aswell