Jetta Photo Shoot

Just wanted to share a few pics I took yesterday afternoon/night :slight_smile:

I want my Kamei grill to come in soooooo bad.

Me & Xeonscivic

Shortly before I was removed off the mall premises for taking pics of my car :bloated:

I’m open to constructive criticism, and any tips for picture taking you guys have.

Also what do you guys think about the styling of my car now…the red/black, the rims, the lowerage, etc etc.?

And yes I am painting the trunk and hood red. :stuck_out_tongue:

get a grill…lookin good

nice man :tup: but where are the pics of the driver side!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

try turning off your flash for night time pictures, simpy set the shutter to be open longer to compensate for the low light levels, I think you’ll get much better results with your night pictures… just beware of “camera shake”! (try a tripod and auto-timer when you use longer shutter speeds at night)

and I kinda like the black trunk lid… maybe it’s just me?


is this tim?

lol there cars are almost identical

cf trunklid & hood?

^^ yea are they?

really like the look of ur car tho, looks really nice

If they’re not real cf then definitely colormatch the hood/trunk. The grill oughta finish it off nicely. Personally, I prefer a straight-out-the-back exhaust tip style rather than the up-turned tips you have now, but that’s just personal preference. Nice whip! :tup:

fix ur is ur fender still fucked up?

if you painted the hood & trunklid then LOL @ you

your photography is almost as good as your tattoo!




beck, do u go to ecc north? cus im pretty sure ive seen this car there a few times, including today. looks nice btw

yes sir reeeeeeee :slight_smile: thanks

and thanks to everyone for the good/bad criticism :tup: :tup:

yeah, the photos are bad

so is that a no to those pics of your mom?

cause they aren’t of a any better quality.

the trunk and hood looked like they were spray-bombed black when i seen it last night. Not my choice but hey w/e u like!

i dont like it.

thats why im repainting it.

i just did that cause i needed to prime the hood and after shaving the trunk, that needed to be primed…so i primed it black and added clear… and i hate it.

so its all going one hot hot hot color. :slight_smile:

Good all 1 color is so much better!