NSeX shoot












#4 is sex. Nice Dan!

Who ever owns this NSX, can I have a ride?

I see some trends in your photography that make it distinct and set you apart.

Some good, some bad but overall fantastic work as usual :thumb

I know you like some criticism of your work so you can improve on it later, but I’ll wait a few replies to dig into it.

Do you stay local to your town or you just like some of the locations? I see them re-used in different shoots.

Do you have a running gallery we can check out for older material?

Good pics,love the car .Havent seen that one around

please critique!!!

the wall that is being used is because i did 5 cars and a bike in the same day … i try never to use the same spot … minus the empire plaza more than once … if i am shooting more than one car then its ok but otherwise i travel up to 2 hrs to shoot a car

i just blew the fatest load all over my laptop

That car is too jappy for me, but nice pics nonetheless.

I like the pics. They are cool IMO. But jeez, try to shoot in some diff spots. I feel like every other shoot has that same rolling shot and that same tagged building…

the last 2 shoots and the next 2 are all done the same day in the same places … sorry for lack of background but with 5 cars and a bike and only 5 hrs of light to work with we had to work with what we had … other than that i dont use the same place 2wice if possible
thanks for the comments tho!!!

awesome looking pics man

this might just be me, but i think in pics number 3 & 6, the wheels should be turned the other way so as to show more wheel instead of tire tread :thumbup

Damn!!! SOO sick!

Keep up the good work man. You have great talent. Wish i could take a decent pic…

you are 100% correct … and i have pictures like that … but i hate to post the same picture over and over again … all the other pictures his wheels were turned that direction … one thing you wont see too often is the same shot in the same location with the same pose …

i saw that car at the C4C show. I LOVE IT

car has epic stance fail.

I like the pics, but I don’t like the mods on the car. Good job

it IS a Japanese SUPERCAR :lmao


Sweet pics, car is ehh…

Why cause it doesnt look gay? or have pink rims like every other “awesome” “slammed” “dropped” etc etc car?

nice pix… beautiful car, but could use a good 2-3 inch drop